What are the benefits of using “I” statements when addressing issues with narcissistic parents?

Nayab Writes It
3 min readJul 2, 2024


Photo by Jen Theodore on Unsplash


Using the “I” statement can be a very effective communication strategy when addressing issues with your narcissistic parent. This offers several important benefits that can help make difficult relationships more constructive.

First, using the “I” statement helps to lower your defenses against your addictive parents. Narcissists are often quick to defend themselves when criticized or blamed. Instead of blaming your anxiety directly, you can avoid this defensive reaction by framing your personal experiences and feelings. This creates an opportunity for more open and productive dialogue rather than fruitless debate.

Second, “I” sentences foster more empathy and understanding than even parents who may struggle with their traits. When you share how their actions make you feel, you invite them to consider the impact of their behavior from their perspective. Although narcissists often lack empathy, this approach at least opens the door to understanding your emotional experience. Even small steps in this direction can be valuable.

Using the “I” statement also helps you maintain healthy boundaries with your addicted parent. By setting your needs and boundaries based on your own feelings and experiences, you’ll reinforce that your boundaries are about your own well-being, not just arbitrary rules you try to impose. This makes it difficult for your parents to see your boundaries as unreasonable or an attack on them.

Also, taking the high road by avoiding accusatory language and focusing on your personal attitude can help you prepare yourself, even if your parents are defensive or hostile. This puts you in a stronger position to enforce your boundaries without engaging in productive conflict.

Over time, consistently using “I” statements can really help change the dynamics of your relationship with your addictive parent. By healthy modeling, empathetic communication, you set an example that you can learn little by little, even if the progress is slow. This small but important step can help lay the groundwork for more constructive interactions.

Finally, the use of the “I” statement empowers you to focus on your own emotional experience rather than controlling your feelings. It’s a fine balance, but this communication approach can be a valuable tool for managing these complex relationships and taking care of your own needs and boundaries.

If you’re interested in learning more about toxic behavior, Here’s the link:


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Nayab Writes It

Hey, I’m Nayab! I love reading and enjoy writing on different topics. I dive deep into research to explore new subjects and share what I learn.